SPP2037 Researchers receive SIGMOD 2021 Best Paper Award

Database systems researchers at Technische Universität Darmstadt (TU Darmstadt) and Zuse Institue Berlin (ZIB) were highly successful this year. One of their papers entitled "DFI: The Data Flow Interface for High-Speed Networks" by Lasse Thostrup, Jan Skrzypczak, Matthias Jasny, Tobias Ziegler and Carsten Binnig won the SIGMOD 2021 Best Paper Award. The ACM SIGMOD/PODS International Conference on the Management of Data is one of the leading conferences for researchers, developers, and users of database systems. The paper presents DFI, which is a high-level abstraction to easily express distributed data processing tasks without having to worry about low-level networking details. The flow abstraction in DFI allows developers to declaratively set network-related optimization goals specific for their data processing task. For more information:https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3448016.3452816https://2021.sigmod.org/sigmod_best_papers.shtml...
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