
- Alexander Baumstark, Muhammad Attahir Jibril, Kai-Uwe Sattler: Temporal Graph Processing in Modern Memory Hierarchies. ADBIS 2023: 103-116
- Muhammad Attahir Jibril, Alexander Baumstark, Kai-Uwe Sattler: Adaptive update handling for graph HTAP. Distributed Parallel Databases 41(3): 331-357 (2023)
- Alexander Baumstark, Muhammad Attahir Jibril, Kai-Uwe Sattler: Adaptive query compilation in graph databases. Distributed Parallel Databases 41(3): 359-386 (2023)
- Gabriel Haas, Viktor Leis: What Modern NVMe Storage Can Do, And How To Exploit It: High-Performance I/O for High-Performance Storage Engines. VLDB 2023
- Tobias Ziegler, Phil Bernstein, Viktor Leis, Carsten Binnig: Is Scalable OLTP in the Cloud a Solved Problem? CIDR 2023.
- Ferdinand Gruber, Maximilian Bandle, Alexis Engelke, Thomas Neumann, Jana Giceva: Bringing Compiling Databases to RISC Architectures. VLDB 2023.
- Lukas Vogel, Daniel Ritter, Danica Porobic, Pınar Tözün, Tianzheng Wang, Alberto Lerner: Data Pipes: Declarative Control over Data Movement. CIDR 2023
- Tobias Hahn, Daniel Schüll, Stefan Wildermann and Jürgen Teich: An FPGA Avro Parser Generator for Accelerated Data Stream Processing, 2nd Workshop on Novel Data Management Ideas on Heterogeneous Hardware Architectures (NoDMC) at BTW 2023
- Alexander Baumstark, Muhammad Attahir Jibril, Kai-Uwe Sattler: Accelerating Large Table Scan using Processing-In-Memory Technology, 2nd Workshop on Novel Data Management Ideas on Heterogeneous Hardware Architectures (NoDMC) at BTW 2023
- Adnan Alhomssi, Viktor Leis: Scalable and Robust Snapshot Isolation for High-Performance Storage Engines. PVLDB, 16(6): 1426-1438, 2023
- Viktor Leis, Adnan Alhomssi, Tobias Ziegler, Yannick Loeck, Christian Dietrich: Virtual-Memory Assisted Buffer Management. SIGMOD 2023
- Adnan Alhomssi, Michael Haubenschild, Viktor Leis: The Evolution of LeanStore. BTW 2023
- Spoorthi Nijalingappa, Bala Gurumurthy, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake: Vertical Vectorized Hashing for Faster Group-By Aggregation. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Big Data Management on Emerging Hardware (HardBD), April 2023
- Alexander Baumstark, Muhammad Attahir Jibril, Kai-Uwe Sattler: Adaptive Query Compilation with Processing-in-Memory, In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Big Data Management on Emerging Hardware (HardBD), April 2023
- Muhammad Attahir Jibril, Hani Al-Sayeh, Alexander Baumstark, Kai-Uwe Sattler: Fast and Efficient Update Handling for Graph H2TAP, EDBT 2023
- Muhammad Attahir Jibril, Alexander Baumstark, Kai-Uwe Sattler: GTPC: Towards a Hybrid OLTP-OLAP Graph Benchmark, BTW 2023
- Alberto Lerner, Matthias Jasny, Theo Jepsen, Carsten Binnig, Philippe Cudré-Mauroux: DBMS Annihilator: A High-Performance Database Workload Generator in Action. Proc. VLDB Endow. 15(12): 3682-3685 (2022)
- Lasse Thostrup, Jan Skrzypczak, Matthias Jasny, Tobias Ziegler, Carsten Binnig: DFI: The Data Flow Interface for High-Speed Networks. SIGMOD Rec. 51(1): 15-22 (2022)
- Matthias Jasny, Lasse Thostrup, Tobias Ziegler, Carsten Binnig: P4DB – The Case for In-Network OLTP. SIGMOD Conference 2022: 1375-1389
- Tobias Ziegler, Dwarakanandan Bindiganavile Mohan, Viktor Leis, Carsten Binnig: EFA: A Viable Alternative to RDMA over InfiniBand for DBMSs? DaMoN 2022: 10:1-10:5
- Tobias Ziegler, Carsten Binnig, Viktor Leis: ScaleStore: A Fast and Cost-Efficient Storage Engine using DRAM, NVMe, and RDMA. SIGMOD Conference 2022: 685-699
- Maximilian Reif, Thomas Neumann: A Scalable and Generic Approach to Range Joins. Proc. VLDB Endow. 15(11): 3018-3030 (2022)
- Michael Jungmair, André Kohn, Jana Giceva: Designing an Open Framework for Query Optimization and Compilation. Proc. VLDB Endow. 15(11): 2389-2401 (2022)
- Bala Gurumurthy, David Broneske, Gabriel Campero Durand, Thilo Pionteck, and Gunter Saake. ADAMANT: A Query Executor with Plug-In Interfaces for Easy Co-processor Integration. In The 39th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2023
- Robert Lasch, Thomas Legler, Norman May, Bernhard Scheirle, Kai-Uwe Sattler: Cost Modelling for Optimal Data Placement in Heterogeneous Main Memory. Proc. VLDB Endow. 15(11): 2867-2880 (2022)
- Lukas Vogel, Alexander van Renen, Satoshi Imamura, Jana Giceva, Thomas Neumann, and Alfons Kemper: Plush: A Write-Optimized Persistent Log-Structured Hash-Table. PVLDB, 15(11): 2895-2907, 2022. doi:10.14778/3551793.3551839
- Muhammad Attahir Jibril, Philipp Götze, David Broneske, Kai-Uwe Sattler: Selective caching: a persistent memory approach for multi-dimensional index structures. Distributed Parallel Databases 40(1): 47-66 (2022)
- Muhammad Attahir Jibril, Alexander Baumstark, Kai-Uwe Sattler: Adaptive Update Handling for Graph HTAP, In: 2022 IEEE 38th Int. Conf. on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW), 2022. pp. 16-23.
- Robert Lasch, Mehdi Moghaddamfar, Norman May, Süleyman Sirri Demirsoy, Christian Färber, Kai-Uwe Sattler: Bandwidth-optimal Relational Joins on FPGAs. EDBT 2022: 1:27-1:39
- Tobias Hahn, Stefan Wildermann and Jürgen Teich. Auto-Tuning of Raw Filters for FPGAs. FPL’22, Belfast, United Kingdom, 2022
- Tobias Hahn, Andreas Becher, Stefan Wildermann and Jürgen Teich. Raw Filtering of JSON data on FPGAs. DATE’22, Antwerp, Belgium, 2022
- Philipp M. Grulich, Steffen Zeuch, Volker Markl. Babelfish: Efficient Execution of Polyglot Queries, VLDB’22, 2022
- Alexander Kumaigorodski, Clemens Lutz, Volker Markl. Fast CSV Loading Using GPUs and RDMA for In-Memory Data Processing. BTW’21, Dresden, Germany, 2021
- Michael Körber, Nikolaus Glombiewski, Bernhard Seeger. Index-Accelerated Pattern Matching in Event Stores. SIGMOD’21, Online, 2021
- Jan Mühlig and Jens Teubner. MxTasks: How to Make Efficient Synchronization and Prefetching Easy. SIGMOD’21, Online, 2021
- Lasse Thostrup, Jan Skrzypczak, Matthias Jasny, Tobias Ziegler, Carsten Binnig. DFI: The Data Flow Interface for High-Speed Networks. SIGMOD’21, Online, 2021
- Adrian Michalke, Philipp M. Grulich, Clemens Lutz, Steffen Zeuch, Volker Markl. An Energy-Efficient Stream Join for the Internet of Things, 17th International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware, DaMoN @ SIGMOD, Online, 2021
- Alexander Baumstark, Muhammad Attahir Jibril, Philipp Götze, Kai-Uwe Sattler. Instant Graph Query Recovery on Persistent Memory. 17th International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware, DaMoN @ SIGMOD, Online, 2021
- Robert Lasch, Robert Schulze, Thomas Legler, Kai-Uwe Sattler: Workload-Driven Placement of Column-Store Data Structures on DRAM and NVM. DaMoN 2021: 5:1-5:8
- Lekshmi Beena Gopalakrishnan Nair, Andreas Becher, Stefan Wildermann, Klaus Meyer-Wegener, and Jürgen Teich. Speculative Dynamic Reconfiguration and Table Prefetching Using Query Look-Ahead in the ReProVide Near-Data-Processing System. Datenbank-Spektrum 21, no. 1: 55-64, 2021
- Lekshmi Beena Gopalakrishnan Nair, and Klaus Meyer-Wegener. COPRAO: A Capability Aware Query Optimizer for Reconfigurable Near Data Processors. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Big Data Management on Emerging Hardware (HardBD), April 2021
- Harish Kumar Harihara Subramanian, Bala Gurumurthy, Gabriel Campero Durand, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake. Analysis of GPU-Libraries for rapid Prototyping Database Operations. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Big Data Management on Emerging Hardware (HardBD), April 2021
- Bala Gurumurthy, David Broneske, Martin Schäler, Thilo Pionteck, and Gunter Saake. An Investigation of Atomic Synchronization for Sort-Based Group-By Aggregation on GPUs. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Big Data Management on Emerging Hardware (HardBD), April 2021
- Alexander Baumstark, Muhammad Attahir Jibril, Kai-Uwe Sattler. Adaptive Query Compilation in Graph Databases. In Self-Managing Database Systems (SMDB), April 2021.
- Muhammad Attahir Jibril, Alexander Baumstark, Philipp Götze, Kai-Uwe Sattler. JIT happens: Transactional Graph Processing in Persistent Memory meets Just-In-Time Compilation. 24th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), March 2021.
- Muhammad Attahir Jibril, Philipp Götze, David Broneske, Kai-Uwe Sattler. Selective Caching: A Persistent Memory Approach for Multi-Dimensional Index Structures. Distributed and Parallel Databases (DAPD), 2021.
- Paul Blockhaus, David Broneske, Martin Schäler, Veit Köppen, and Gunter Saake. Combining Two Worlds: MonetDB with Multi-Dimensional Index Structure Support to Efficiently Query Scientific Data. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM), Vienna, Austria, 2020.
- Philipp M. Grulich, Breß Sebastian, Steffen Zeuch, Jonas Traub, Janis von Bleichert, Zongxiong Chen, Tilmann Rabl, Volker Markl. Grizzly: Efficient Stream Processing Through Adaptive Query Compilation. SIGMOD ’20, New York, NY, USA, 2020.
- Clemens Lutz, Sebastian Breß, Steffen Zeuch, Tilmann Rabl, Volker Markl. Pump Up the Volume: Processing Large Data on GPUs with Fast Interconnects. SIGMOD ’20, New York, NY, USA, 2020
- Harald Lang, Alexander Beischl, Viktor Leis, Peter Boncz, Thomas Neumann, and Alfons Kemper: Tree-Encoded Bitmaps. SIGMOD ’20, New York, NY, USA, 2020.
- Mahmoud Mohsen, Norman May, Christian Färber, and David Broneske. 2020. FPGA-Accelerated compression of integer vectors. 16th International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware, DaMoN @ SIGMOD, Portland, OR, USA, 2020.
- Henning Funke, Jan Mühlig, Jens Teubner: Efficient Generation of Machine Code for Query Compilers. 16th International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware, DaMoN @ SIGMOD, Portland, OR, USA, 2020
- Lekshmi B. G. Nair, Andreas Becher, Klaus Meyer-Wegener: The ReProVide Query-Sequence Optimization in a Hardware-Accelerated DBMS. 16th International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware, DaMoN @ SIGMOD, Portland, OR, USA, 2020
- Philipp Götze, Arun Kumar Tharanatha, Kai-Uwe Sattler: Data Structure Primitives on Persistent Memory: An Evaluation. 16th International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware, DaMoN @ SIGMOD, Portland, OR, USA, 2020
- Muhammad Attahir Jibril, Philipp Götze, David Broneske, Kai-Uwe Sattler: Selective Caching: A Persistent Memory Approach for Multi-Dimensional Index Structures, Joint Int. Workshop on Big Data Management on Emerging Hardware and Data Management on Virtualized Active Systems (HardBD & Active), Dallas, TX, 2020.
- L. Beena Gopalakrishnan Nair, A. Becher, K. Meyer-Wegener, S. Wildermann, J. Teich: SQL Query Processing Using an Integrated FPGA-based Near-Data Accelerator in ReProVide, 23rd International Conference on Extending Database Technology EDBT (Copenhagen, 30. März 2020 – 2. April 2020)
- J. Skrzypczak, F. Schintke and T. Schütt, RMWPaxos: Fault-Tolerant
In-Place Consensus Sequences, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2020 - M. Müller, T. Leich, T. Pionteck, G. Saake, J. Teubner, and O. Spinczyk. DB: A Concept for Parallel Data Processing on Heterogeneous Hardware. In Proceedings of the 33th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS ’20), 2020.
- Constantin Pohl, Kai-Uwe Sattler, Goetz Graefe: Joins on high-bandwidth memory: a new level in the memory hierarchy. VLDB J. 29(2): 797-817 (2020)
- Matthias Jasny, Tobias Ziegler, Tim Kraska, Uwe Roehm and
Carsten Binnig: DB4ML – An In-Memory Database Kernel with ML Support, SIGMOD 2020 - Erfan Zamanian, Julian Shu, Carsten Binnig and Tim Kraska: Chiller: Contention-centric Transaction Execution and Data Partitioning for Fast Networks, SIGMOD 2020
- Philipp Götze, Arun Kumar Tharanatha, Kai-Uwe Sattler:
Data Structure Primitives on Persistent Memory: An Evaluation. CoRR abs/2001.02172 (2020)
- A. Becher, A. Herrmann, S. Wildermann, J. Teich: ReProVide: Towards Utilizing Heterogeneous Partially Reconfigurable Architectures for Near-Memory Data Processing, 1st Workshop on Novel Data Management Ideas on Heterogeneous (Co-)Processors (NoDMC) at 18. Fachtagung für “Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web” (Universität Rostock, 4. März 2019 – 8. März 2019)
- P. Plagwitz, FJ. Streit, A. Becher, S. Wildermann, J. Teich: Compiler-Based High-Level Synthesis of Application-Specific Processors on FPGAs, 2019 International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig) (Cancún, Mexico, 9. Dezember 2019 – 11. Dezember 2019)
- A. Becher, J. Teich: In situ Statistics Generation within partially reconfigurable Hardware Accelerators for Query Processing,
15th International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware (DaMoN), Held with ACM SIGMOD/PODS 2019 (Amsterdam, 1. Juli 2019 – 1. Juli 2019) - H. Borghorst, M. Müller, and O. Spinczyk. More or less? A discussion about the abstraction level of future operating systems. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Next-Generation Operating Systems for Cyber-Physical Systems (NGOSCPS 2019), 2019.
- H. Borghorst and O. Spinczyk. Operating systems for many-core systems. IET Professional Applications of Computing. Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2019.
- A. Lochmann, H. Schirmeier, H. Borghorst, and O. Spinczyk. LockDoc: Trace-based analysis of locking in the Linux kernel. In Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGOPS/EuroSys European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys ’19’), New York, NY, USA, Mar. 2019. ACM Press.
- M. Müller and O. Spinczyk. MxKernel: Rethinking Operating System Architecture for Many-core Hardware. In 9th Workshop on Systems for Multi-core and Heterogenous Architectures, Dresden, Germany, Mar. 2019
S. Noll, N. May, A. Böhm, J. Mühlig, and J. Teubner. From the application to the cpu: Holistic resource management for modern database management systems. In Bulletin of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Data Engineering, volume 42, pages 10–21, 2019. - Christian Beilschmidt, Johannes Drönner, Nikolaus Glombiewski, Michael Körber, Michael Mattig, Andreas Morgen, Bernhard Seeger: VAT to the Future: Extrapolating Visual Complex Event Processing, 7th OpenSky Workshop, 2019, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Marc Seidemann, Nikolaus Glombiewski, Michael Körber, Bernhard Seeger: ChronicleDB: A High-Performance Event Store, ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 44 (4), 13, 2019.
- Jan Skrzypczak, Florian Schintke, Thorsten Schütt: Linearizable State Machine Replication of State-Based CRDTs without Logs, Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), 2019, Pages 455-457, New York, USA
- Harald Lang, Linnea Passing, Andreas Kipf, Peter Boncz, Thomas Neumann, Alfons Kemper: Make the most out of your SIMD investments: counter control flow divergence in compiled query pipelines, The VLDB Journal, 2019
- Tim Gubner, Diego Tomé, Harald Lang, Peter Boncz: Fluid Co-processing: GPU Bloom-filters for CPU Joins, DaMoN 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2019
- Harald Lang, Thomas Neumann, Alfons Kemper, Peter Boncz: Performance-Optimal Filtering: Bloom Overtakes Cuckoo at High Throughput, PVLDB, 12(5), 2019
- Constantin Pohl, Kai-Uwe Sattler, Goetz Graefe: Joins on high-bandwidth memory: a new level in the memory hierarchy, The VLDB Journal, 2019
- Michael Körber, Nikolaus Glombiewski, Andreas Morgen, Bernhard Seeger: TPStream: low-latency and high-throughput temporal pattern matching on event streams, Distributed and Parallel Databases, 2019
- Michael Körber, Jakob Eckstein, Nikolaus Glombiewski, Bernhard Seeger: Event Stream Processing on Heterogeneous System Architecture, DaMoN 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2019
- Christian Beilschmidt, Johannes Drönner, Nikolaus Glombiewski, Christian Heigele, Jana Holznigenkemper, Anna Isenberg, Michael Körber, Michael Mattig, Andreas Morgen, Bernhard Seeger: Pretty Fly for a VAT GUI: Visualizing Event Patterns for Flight Data, DEBS 2019, Darmstadt, Germany, 2019
- Nikolaus Glombiewski, Bernhard Seeger, Goetz Graefe: Waves of Misery After Index Creation, Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2019), March 2019
- Constantin Pohl, Kai-Uwe Sattler: Parallelization of Massive Multiway Stream Joins on Manycore CPUs, Auto-DaSP 2019, Göttingen, Germany, 2019
- Constantin Pohl: How to become a (Throughput) Billionaire: The Stream Processing Engine PipeFabric, Grundlagen von Datenbanken (GvD), Saarburg, Germany, 2019
- Constantin Pohl, Kai-Uwe Sattler: Adaptive Partitioning and Order-Preserved Merging of Data Streams, ADBIS 2019, Bled, Slovenia, 2019
- Robert Lasch, Ismail Oukid, Roman Dementiev, Norman May, Süleyman Sirri Demirsoy, Kai-Uwe Sattler: Fast & Strong: The Case of Compressed String Dictionaries on Modern CPUs, DaMoN 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2019
- Viktor Rosenfeld, Sebastian Breß, Steffen Zeuch, Tilmann Rabl, Volker Markl: Performance Analysis and Automatic Tuning of Hash Aggregation on GPUs, DaMoN 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2019
- Tobias Ziegler, Uwe Röhm, Carsten Binnig: Skew-resilient Query Processing for Fast Networks, NoDMC@BTW 2019
- Tobias Ziegler, Sumukha Tumkur Vani, Carsten Binnig, Rodrigo Fonseca, Tim Kraska: Designing Distributed Tree-based Index Structures for Fast RDMA-capable Networks, SIGMOD 2019
- Gustavo Alonso, Carsten Binnig, Ippokratis Pandis, Kenneth Salem, Jan Skrzypczak, Ryan Stutsman, Lasse Thostrup, Tianzheng Wang, Zeke Wang, Tobias Ziegler: DPI: The Data Processing Interface for Modern Networks, CIDR 2019
- Philipp Götze, Kai-Uwe Sattler. Snapshot Isolation for Transactional Stream Processing,
Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), March 2019 - Philipp Götze, Constantin Pohl, Kai-Uwe Sattler. Query Planning for Transactional Stream Processing on Heterogeneous Hardware: Opportunities and Limitations, Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2019), Workshopband, March 2019
- A. Becher, S. Wildermann, J. Teich: Optimistic Regular Expression Matching on FPGAs for Near-Data Processing, Data Management on New Hardware (DaMoN) (Houston, Texas, 11. Juni 2018 – 11. Juni 2018)
- J. Echavarria Gutierrez, K. Schütz, A. Becher, S. Wildermann, J. Teich: Can Approximate Computing Reduce Power Consumption on FPGAs? 25th IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems (Bordeaux, 9. Dezember 2018 – 12. Dezember 2018)
In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems 2018 - Marcel Blöcher, Tobias Ziegler, Carsten Binnig, Patrick Eugster: Boosting scalable data analytics with modern programmable networks, DaMoN 2018
- Carsten Binnig: Scalable Data Management on Modern Networks, Datenbank-Spektrum, 2018
- Andreas Becher, Lekshmi B.G., David Broneske, Tobias Drewes, Bala Gurumurthy, Klaus Meyer-Wegener, Thilo Pionteck, Gunter Saake, Jürgen Teich, Stefan Wildermann. Integration of FPGAs in Database Management Systems: Challenges and Opportunities, Datenbank-Spektrum, August 2018
- Bala Gurumurthy, David Broneske, Tobias Drewes, Thilo Pionteck, Gunter Saake. Cooking DBMS Operations using Granular Primitives – An overview on a primitive-based RDBMS query evaluation, Datenbank-Spektrum, August 2018
- Michael Körber, Nikolaus Glombiewski, Bernhard Seeger: TPStream: Low-Latency Temporal Pattern Matching on Event Streams, International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), 2018
- Philipp Götze, Alexander van Renen, Lucas Lersch, Viktor Leis, Ismail Oukid: Data Management on Non-Volatile Memory: A Perspective, Datenbank-Spektrum, November, Number 3, Volume 18, 2018, Publisher Springer Nature
- Timo Kersten, Viktor Leis, Alfons Kemper, Thomas Neumann, Andrew Pavlo, Peter Boncz: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Compiled and Vectorized Queries But Were Afraid to Ask, PVLDB, 11(13), 2018
- Harald Lang, Andreas Kipf, Linnea Passing, Peter Boncz, Thomas Neumann, Alfons Kemper: Make the Most out of Your SIMD Investments: Counter Control Flow Divergence in Compiled Query Pipelines, DaMoN’18, Houston, Texas, USA, 2018
- Lars-Christian Schulz, David Broneske, Gunter Saake: An Eight-Dimensional Systematic Evaluation of Optimized Search Algorithms on Modern Processors, PVLDB, 11 (11): 1550-1562, 2018.
- Constantin Pohl: Stream Processing on High-Bandwidth Memory, Grundlagen von Datenbanken (GvD), 2018.
- Jan Mühlig: B-link-trees for DB/OS Co-Design, Grundlagen von Datenbanken (GvD), 2018.
- Bala Gurumurthy, Tobias Drewes, David Broneske, Gunter Saake, Thilo Pionteck: Adaptive Data Processing in Heterogeneous Hardware Systems, Grundlagen von Datenbanken (GvD), 2018.
- Bala Gurumurthy, David Broneske, Marcus Pinnecke, Gabriel Campero Durand, Gunter Saake: SIMD Vectorized Hashing for Grouped Aggregation, Advances in Databases and Information Systems, 2018.
- Sebastian Breß, Bastian Köcher, Henning Funke, Steffen Zeuch, Tilmann Rabl, Volker Markl: Generating Custom Code for Efficient Query Execution on Heterogeneous Processors, The VLDB Journal, 2018.
- Clemens Lutz, Sebastian Breß, Tilmann Rabl, Steffen Zeuch, Volker Markl: Efficient k-Means on GPUs, DaMoN’18, Houston, Texas, USA, 2018.
- Constantin Pohl, Kai-Uwe Sattler: Joins in a Heterogeneous Memory Hierarchy: Exploiting High-Bandwidth Memory, DaMoN’18, Houston, Texas, USA, 2018.
- Philipp Götze, Stephan Baumann, Kai-Uwe Sattler: An NVM-aware Storage Layout for Analytical Workloads, IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), HardBD & Active Workshop, 2018, Paris, France
- Tobias Behrens, Viktor Rosenfeld, Jonas Traub, Sebastian Breß, Volker Markl: Efficient SIMD Vectorization for Hashing in OpenCL, International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), 2018
- Henning Funke, Sebastian Breß, Stefan Noll, Volker Markl, Jens Teubner: Pipelined Query Processing in Coprocessor Environments, International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), 2018
- Sebastian Krieter, Jacob Krüger, Nico Weichbrodt, Vasily A. Sartakov, Rüdiger Kapitza, Thomas Leich: Towards Secure Dynamic Product Lines in the Cloud, in International Conference on Software Engineering – New Ideas and Emerging Results Track (ICSE-NIER), ACM, 2018
- Vasily A. Sartakov, Nico Weichbrodt, Sebastian Krieter, Thomas Leich, Rüdiger Kapitza: STANlite – a database engine for secure data processing at rack-scale level, in IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), Orlando, Florida, USA, 2018.
- Erfan Zamanian, Carsten Binnig, Tim Kraska and Tim Harris: The End of a Myth: Distributed Transaction Can Scale, PVLDB, Vol. 10, No. 6, 2017.
- Abdallah Salama, Carsten Binnig, Tim Kraska, Ansgar Scherp, Tobias Ziegler: Rethinking Distributed Query Execution on High-Speed Networks, IEEE Data Eng. Bull., Vol. 40, No. 1, 2017.
- Sebastian Breß, Bastian Köcher, Henning Funke, Tilmann Rabl, Volker Markl: Generating Custom Code for Efficient Query Execution on Heterogeneous Processors, CoRR abs/1709.00700, 2017
- Constantin Pohl, Philipp Götze, Kai-Uwe Sattler: A Cost Model for Data Stream Processing on Modern Hardware, ADMS Workshop, September, 2017, Munich, Germany
- Constantin Pohl: A Hardware-Oblivious Optimizer for Data Stream Processing, VLDB PhD Workshop, August, 2017, Munich, Germany
- Constantin Pohl: Exploiting Manycore Architectures for Parallel Data Stream Processing, Proceedings of the 29th GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken (GvD 2017), June, 2017, Pages 66-71, Blankenburg (Harz), Germany