The coordinators can be seen here: Coordination
List of funded projects
The following projects are currently funded within the second phase of the priority program:
- Scalable Data Management on Next-Generation Networks beyond RDMA (TU Darmstadt)
- Scaling Beyond DRAM with PMem without Compromising Performance (TU Munich)
- Managing Very Large Data Sets on Directly-Attached NVMe Arrays (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
- Adaptive Query Compilation for Stream Processing (TU Berlin/DFKI)
- ReProVide: Query Optimisation and Near-Data Processing on Reconfigurable SoCs for Big Data Analysis (University Erlangen-Nuremberg)
- ADAMANT: Adaptive Data Management in Evolving Heterogeneous Hardware/Software Systems (Uni Magdeburg)
- Energy-Efficient Event Processing on Modern Hardware (Uni Marburg)
- Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Graph Processing in Modern Memory Hierarchies (#TAG) (TU Ilmenau)
- MxKernel: A Bare-Metal Runtime System for Database Operations on Heterogeneous Many-Core Hardware (TU Dortmund/University Osnabrück)
The following projects were funded within the first phase of the priority program:
- Scalable Data Management in the Presence of High-Speed Networks (TU Darmstadt)
- Scalable Hardware-Aided Trusted Data Management (TU Braunschweig/University of Applied Sciences Harz)
- Interactive Big Data Exploration on Modern Hardware (TU Munich)
- Query Compilation for the Heterogeneous Many Core Age (TU Berlin)
- ReProVide: Query Optimisation and Near-Data Processing on Reconfigurable SoCs for Big Data Analysis (University Erlangen-Nuremberg)
- Adaptive Data Management in Evolving Heterogeneous Hardware/Software Systems (Uni Magdeburg)
- Distributed, fault-tolerant in-place consensus sequence on innovative hardware as a building block for data management (ZIB Berlin)
- High-Performance Event Processing on Modern Hardware (Uni Marburg)
- Transactional Stream Processing on Non-Volatile Memory (TU Ilmenau)
- MxKernel: A Bare-Metal Runtime System for Database Operations on Heterogeneous Many-Core Hardware (TU Dortmund/University Osnabrück)
Project Map
The map below shows the locations of the projects in Germany.
MxKernel: A Bare-Metal Runtime System for Database Operations on Heterogeneous Many-Core Hardware
Managing Very Large Data Sets on Directly-Attached NVMe Arrays
MxKernel: A Bare-Metal Runtime System for Database Operations on Heterogeneous Many-Core Hardware
Energy-Efficient Event Processing on Modern Hardware
ADAMANT: Adaptive Data Management in Evolving Heterogeneous Hardware/Software Systems
ReProVide: Query Optimisation and Near-Data Processing on Reconfigurable SoCs for Big Data Analysis
Adaptive Query Compilation for Stream Processing
Scaling Beyond DRAM with PMem without Compromising Performance
Scalable Data Management on Next-Generation Networks beyond RDMA
Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Graph Processing in Modern Memory Hierarchies