Database systems researchers at Technische Universität Darmstadt (TU Darmstadt) and Zuse Institue Berlin (ZIB) were highly successful this year. One of their papers entitled “DFI: The Data Flow Interface for High-Speed Networks” by Lasse Thostrup, Jan Skrzypczak, Matthias Jasny, Tobias Ziegler and Carsten Binnig won the SIGMOD 2021 Best Paper Award. The ACM SIGMOD/PODS International Conference on the Management of Data is one of the leading conferences for researchers, developers, and users of database systems.
The paper presents DFI, which is a high-level abstraction to easily express distributed data processing tasks without having to worry about low-level networking details. The flow abstraction in DFI allows developers to declaratively set network-related optimization goals specific for their data processing task.
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