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“Intel SGX Explained.” (2016)

DBLP: https://dblp.org/rec/html/journals/iacr/CostanD16

Summary: This paper well explains the architecture and usage of Intel’s Software Guard Extensions (SGX). It summarizes multiple sources, and thus, gives a comprehensive overview over most details of SGX. This includes the computational model, memory address handling, software privilege levels, and many more. Furthermore, it describes possible attacks on the security model of SGX and states considerations to take into account in order to defend against those attacks.

“DynSGX: A Privacy Preserving Toolset for Dynamically Loading Functions” (2017)

DBLP: https://dblp.org/rec/html/conf/cloudcom/SilvaBB17

Summary: In this paper, the authors propose a mechanism for loading and unloading executable code inside an SGX enclave, which removes the limitation of having a statically linked enclave at load time. Using this approach an enclave that is adaptable during run time becomes possible. The authors evaluate the performance of their approach by comparing it to statically linked applications.

“Code Generation to Support Static and Dynamic Composition of Software Product Lines” (2008)

DBLP: https://dblp.org/rec/html/conf/gpce/RosenmullerSSA08

Summary: In their paper, the authors present an approach to facilitate the creation of dynamic software product lines (DSPLs) for C++, which allow reconfiguration at run time. They propose an extension to the feature-oriented variability mechanism FeatureC++ to enable static and dynamic binding of features. To achieve this, they modify the code generation for class and method refinements depending on whether a feature should be configured statically or dynamically.